By: Rachel Elmakiss
Spring is starting to creep back in! Roses are in stock, plants are beginning to grow again, and at the end of the month the spring rains should begin! But along with the coming of spring weather comes spring weeds and it’s time to prepare your yard.
Between late February and early March, you’ll want to get out the spreader and start putting pre-emergent down on your lawns. We recommend these brands at our store:
1. Fertilome’s St. Augustine Weed and Feed for Zoysia or Centipede ‘Atrazine’ Post or Pre Emergent. (This is our most highly recommended brand and is really the main pre-emergent you will need.)
2. Fertilome’s For All Seasons is another great option and targets some more specific weeds.
Both of these pre-emergents should only need one application. Post-emergents aren’t needed until around Easter. Apply your pre-emergent with a spreader (check your spreader and the bag to what settings to use) and water thoroughly after you apply it. Be aware of storm drains or drainage ditches near your lawn, and do not apply if a heavy rain is expected as this could wash it all into your local water system.
We’re here to help you prepare for your war against weeds! Call into the store at (501)225-1030 with any questions, or come on in and visit us! Our staff at Cantrell Gardens are always happy to help and share their gardening know-how. Remember to check back next month for another round of gardening tips, tricks, and reminders!